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Baptist Church
500 South Frances | Terrell, TX 75160
972.524.0596 (office) | 972.524.0556 (fax) (email) | (website)
Rev. Richard E. Rollerson, Jr., (MA/MDIV)
Pastor / Teacher
Brothers Connect
'Virtual' Bible Study for "Every" Man
Tuesdays | 7p - 8p | January 7, 14,21, =28
Let us learn and grow in God's Word Together.
Meeting ID: 850 5120 1186 | Passcode: bbcmen
To access the class go to ZOOM.US and click on JOIN A MEETING. Type in the
Meeting ID and Passcode listed above.
Men's Ministry
Monthly Lessons featuring Topics for Men
(Sunday School Men's Class (9am) and Tuesday
Virtual Class for Men on Tuesdays (7pm)
Outreach Opportunities
Maintenance of Facilities and Church Grounds
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