Baptist Church
500 South Frances | Terrell, TX 75160
972.524.0596 (office) | 972.524.0556 (fax) (email) | (website)
Rev. Richard E. Rollerson, Jr., (MA/MDIV)
Pastor / Teacher
Click anywhere on the flyer below to begin the registration process.
"A virtual Time of Fellowship for ALL Women"
Tuesdays | 6:30p - 7:15p | January 7, 14, 21, 28
Meeting ID: 859 1934 6740
Passcode: women
If joining by phone? Dial:
To access the class, go to ZOOM.US and click on
JOIN A MEETING. Type in the
Meeting ID and Passcode listed above.
Women's Ministry
Monthly Lessons featuring Topics for Women
(Church School and Tuesday Virtual Class)
Annual Spring Conference
Battered Women's Shelter Outreach
Out Reach to sick-and-shut In